Star Trek Christianity

I like the Star Trek series.  However, the world of Star Trek presents a version of society that will never have any basis in actual reality.  For example, they have “evolved” to the point where money is no longer necessary.  That’s a great fantasy which will never find reality.

Perhaps our Systematic Theologies have as much basis in Scriptural reality as a life with no need of money in Star Trek’s reality. Could it be we’ve created our theologies to fit our preconceived notions of what we want Scripture to say?

Will Mother Earth Survive?

I can safely assure you that God isn’t worried about climate change. Others are, however. Watching the Weather Channel this morning, climate change was once again brought into the discussion concerning what’s happening around the world. I get tired of hearing this nonsense.

The real problem isn't climate change. The real problem is Bible illiteracy. That’s it.

Faith, A Life Principle

Habakkuk 2:4 — Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but The Just Shall Live By His Faith.

After almost 20 years of pastoring my church, I resigned. As I’ve stated in previous blogs, I needed a break, rest, time in God’s Word to grow personally. So, we packed up and moved to Arizona. But then once there, something unexpected happened — my faith took a nose dive.

I couldn’t really tell you how it happened. I didn’t lose my faith in God, His Word, or my salvation. I just lost … something.

The Dispensation Of Grace ... or, Perhaps Something Else?

I was recently listening online to a preacher discussing the King James Version and why he and his church use it. He does a great job presenting the whole aspect of the issue and presenting the facts as he has studied it out. The best part is he’s not a KJV Only type of guy. Refreshing.

During his talk, it came out that he’s a Dispensationalist. No surprise, really. He doesn’t make a big deal of it though. However, he made mention of the Dispensation of Grace.

Walk In The Spirit

“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” Galatians 5:16

When thinking about walking in the Spirit, this verse in Galatians most likely comes to your mind.  It’s a verse that I’ve visited many times over these 45 years of salvation.  It’s a truth that has always encouraged and stabilized God’s people in every generation.

However, there’s another verse that mentions walking in the Spirit.  Interestingly, it comes from the exact opposite perspective as Galatians.  It’s found in Micah 2:11.  I just read it this morning.