What Do You Want To Do When You Get To Heaven?

I’ve hit upon all this, somewhat, in a previous blog.  But since this is where I am in my thoughts at the moment, I thought I’d share it with you.

The one constant in my life has always been music.  At a very young age, Elvis was the start and I haven’t looked back.

I have a large variety of music.  I won’t list all the kinds of music that I like, but suffice it to say it’s across the board.  I’ve been to several concerts over my lifetime. It boggles my mind to think that a group I liked when I was sixteen, I got to see decades later with my three sons. 
Those events are very special memories to me. 

I’ve played a few different musical instruments over the years.  Clarinet, Alto and Tenor Sax, Ocarinas, Recorders, Guitar, Piano, and Ukulele.  Truthfully, I’m OK.  But, I won’t quit my day job anytime soon though. I play mostly for my own personal enjoyment and at Congregation.  

Presently, I’ve gone back to the Recorder.  For me, right now anyway, it’s the most fulfilling instrument to play. I’m playing a Mollenhauer Prima Soprano in C.  I bought the Mollenhauer from Antique Sound Workshop in Plymouth, MA.  The fellow has been selling and tuning Recorders for over 40 years.  

It’s not an expensive Recorder, but it’s all I need and it sounds great.  IT sounds great, not me.  Most people think of the Recorder as a kids’ instrument that is supper easy to play.  That’s not the case at all.  Of all the instruments I’ve played, the Recorder is the one that is the most demanding for me.  It calls for an exactness that only long hours of practice can achieve. I practice pretty much everyday and try to improve.  It’s a lot of fun;  but, it’s also a lot of work.  I am getting better.  But … it’s still a work in progress. 

The Recorder is a wind instrument.  I prefer wind instruments since I can’t sing that well.  I find that blowing air from within me through an instrument gives me a sense of self-expression that I enjoy.  It’s like an extension of me going out into the air.  

When I read the Bible I like to take note of the instruments that are referred to.  The one I most focus on is the Pipe (Flute/Recorder).  One verse that refers to the “pipe” is Isaiah 5:12 - “And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts.”

Here’s what Smith’s Bible Dictionary had to say about the “pipe.”

Pipe (Heb. chalil ). The Hebrew word so rendered is derived from a root signifying "to bore, perforate" and is represented with sufficient correctness by the English "pipe" or "flute," as in the margin of ( 1 Kings 1:40 ) The pipe was the type of perforated wind instruments, as the harp was of stringed instruments. It was made of reed, bronze or copper. It is one of the simplest, and therefore probably one of the oldest, of musical Instruments. It is associated with the tabret as an instrument of a peaceful and social character. The pipe and tabret were used at the banquets of the Hebrews, ( Isaiah 5:12 ) and accompanied the simpler religious services when the young prophets, returning from the high place, caught their inspiration from the harmony, ( 1 Samuel 10:5 ) or the pilgrims, on their way to the great festivals of their ritual, beguiled the weariness of the march with psalms sung to the simple music of the pipe. ( Isaiah 30:29 ) The sound of the pipe was apparently a soft wailing note, which made it appropriate to be used in mourning and at funerals ( Matthew 9:23 ) and in the lament of the prophet over the destruction of Moab. ( Jeremiah 48:36 ) It was even used in the temple choir, as appears from ( Psalms 87:7 ) In later times the funeral and death-bed were never without the professional pipers or flute-players, ( Matthew 9:23 ) a custom which still exists. In the social and festive life of the Egyptians the pipe played as prominent a part as among the Hebrews. 

So, why do I share all this?

When I say what I’m going to say now, folks kind of smile just a little.  But nevertheless, I still find hope and comfort in my thought.  

Here it is.

I want to believe that when I get to Heaven (and perhaps the Millennium Reign) there is going to be a lot of music there.  And if that is the case, I want to be able to play the Recorder (or any instrument, for that matter) for the glory of God.  I want to believe (have to believe) that since I’ve always had this innate hunger for music, that this hunger will finally be fulfilled in Heaven and played for all eternity to the glory of God.  And played WELL too.

Is that crazy?  I’m not sure.  But, it is my hope.

So everyday, I practice my Recorder in hopes that when I get to Heaven and God asks who wants to be in His orchestra — He’ll pick me.  

Here’s a question I’ve been pondering.  Does what we do now in pursuing our dreams have anything, ultimately, to do with what we’ll do in Eternity?  I honestly, don’t know.  But if on the off chance it does, I want to be “pickable.”

What’s that God-given “thing” inside of you that you want to make use of for His glory?  If nothing else, why not prepare now for use and —maybe in Eternity.