The Cookie Monster Within

Matthew 4:1 —Then was Yeshua led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

Yeshua was tempted, really? To be honest, I can’t picture it. Exactly how was Yeshua tempted? Wouldn’t you like to know? I would. Why weren’t more specifics given? I would find it comforting to know … maybe?

Let’s think about this.

The "Ned Flanders" Type

Yes, I admit to having watched an episode or two of The Simpsons TV show. Just a couple, mind you. Maybe a few more than that actually. But not too many. Christians aren’t supposed to watch The Simpsons, are they?

I identify most with Homer and Ned. Perhaps because they reflect both sides of me.

The Fall Festival Season - Bah Humbug!

Normally I struggle with the Festivals. I just botch them every year. I forget they’re coming. I don’t take the days off from work that are required. (Why can’t they all fall on the weekends!?) Plus, since we go by the sighting of the moon and don’t follow the Jewish calendar, we’re off from all of normative Judaism and a lot of the Messianics as well. Then I get to thinking how much better it would be to live in Israel. But would it? Therefore, I find myself with an ever growing desire for the return of Yeshua. Then everything will be as it should. Can’t wait.

How Much Of The Bible Is True?

The above may seem like a funny question, but is it? I think most of the people in the world who say they believe in God (I'm using that phrasiology very loosely in case you were wondering) would also so say the Bible is not entirely true. They may not take the first chapters of Genesis for what it means. Or they may not believe Noah's flood actually happened or that the Red Sea parted or even that Yeshua (Jesus) ever existed.