I was so refreshed to find and read this article by Spurgeon. Unfortunately, many today in our churches and Messianic assemblies know next to nothing about this great man of God. He has fallen by the wayside along with other great men of God: Moody, Hudson Taylor, John Patton, Jonathan Edwards, George Muller. We’re losing a whole generation to a weakened form of the heritage that is ours. I for one, refuse to let their memories die.
“I Love Yehovah, Because …”
When I read this a few days back, it caused me to pause and think about what the Psalmist was saying and why. The Psalmist seemed to be bombarded from many sides. He was overwhelmed with trouble. He was afflicted and brought low, even sensing the sorrows of death encircling him. It appears that in the midst of all he was going through that no one seemed to understand. Nearly crushed by it all he tells us: ”I said in my haste, All men are liars.” He’s in a dark spot.
Citizen of America or Heaven?
I think most who come into the Hebraic perspective of viewing the Scriptures feel like they’ve been lied to. I did. We wondered how those we looked to for instruction and teaching had failed to inform us of the things we were beginning to see for ourselves. Was it deliberate? Was it out of ignorance? Was it a combination of both? We have been given “new” information and understanding. We’ve been changed. And because of this, we can never go back to the simpler, warm fuzzy days of our Christian lives. It’s all so apparent to us now; but, it wasn’t always that way.
Popery, Again?
{Please, go to YouTube and watch these films by Adullam Films -- A Lamp In The Dark: The Untold History of the Bible; Tares Among The Wheat; Bridge To Babylon: Rome, Ecumenism and the Bible} I went to Bible college a year and a half after I got saved. I was off to study the Word of God! All Bible major students had to take Greek. I’d learn to read the Word of God in the original language. What could be better?
Ongoing Counter Reformation
What is the Word of God? Where is the Word of God? Does anyone agree on what is the Word of God? Can anybody hold up a Bible and say with absolute authority and conviction that the Book they hold in their hand is the Inspired Word of God? Are all the Bible versions really saying the same things? How many versions of the Bible are in your church? Am I the only one that thinks all this is confusing?